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ACASA Senior Care San Antonio Veterans Assistance in San Antonio, TX

Here at ACASA Senior Care San Antonio, we offer compassionate care and vital veterans assistance in San Antonio, TX. Veterans with an honorable discharge and at least 90 days of active military service can receive the Aid and Attendance Benefit. This valuable resource empowers veterans to enhance their physical and mental health. It is designed to support veterans and their spouses who have suffered injuries or health decline due to wartime service or advancing age. We are committed to improving the daily lives of veterans through in-home care services, offering help with meals, transportation, and light housekeeping. Our team helps enhance the quality of life and well-being of veterans in our care.

Mid adult nurse helping senior woman dress shirt in bedroom at nursing home

Aid and Attendance Benefit

As part of our senior care services, we offer in-house assistance for veterans who meet certain requirements. Veterans who are honorably discharged and served for 90 days or more in the active military are eligible for the Aid and Attendance Benefit from Veteran’s Affairs. This benefit provides veterans and their spouses assistance with daily, routine tasks. We provide support for veterans who served during World War II, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, and the Persian Gulf War. Veterans who have sustained injury or experience declining health due to wartime or old age can receive the tools and resources they need to improve their physical and mental health. Individuals eligible for this benefit include the following:

  • Needing another person to help with daily activities
  • Meeting income and asset requirements from the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Serving at least one day during a war
  • Serving at least 90 days in the active military
  • Being honorably discharged
  • Being 65 years or older or disabled
Happy woman, nurse and portrait of senior man with support

Compassionate, In-Home Care

We are providers of kind, compassionate, in-home care services to help veterans improve their physical and mental health. Our mission is to help enhance the lives of veterans and their spouses who may be struggling with wartime injuries, old age, or declining health. We understand the challenges veterans face after serving in the military or living through wartime. The support and resources we provide are designed to help veterans improve their quality of life. We go the extra mile by offering specialized care tailored to each veteran’s needs. Our in-home services include:

  • Meal preparation
  • Transportation
  • Light housekeeping

Enhancing Independence and Wellbeing

We’re honored to serve those who’ve given so much for our country. If you or a loved one are a veteran in need of assistance, we’re here for you. Our team is trained and qualified to aid with daily tasks for veterans experiencing physical or mental impairments. For more information concerning in-home care, contact us today to schedule a courtesy visit or to learn more about our services. Our trained caregivers can help veterans maintain their independence and ensure their well-being. We encourage veterans and their families to reach out to us to explore the various options available to them. We’ll help you determine eligibility for in-home care benefits and provide you with additional resources.

Get in Touch with Us Today

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care, a free in-home assessment for your love one utilizing our assessment tool, and a personalized caregiving plan.

Request a Courtesy Visit