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Senior Support and Additional Resources in San Antonio, TX

In addition to benefits, ACASA Senior Care San Antonio provides veterans and seniors with tools and resources in San Antonio, TX. Old age can affect physical ability, cause cognitive changes, increase the risk for chronic conditions, and lead to mental health challenges. Older adults sometimes experience difficulty performing everyday tasks such as bathing, dressing, and grooming due to limited strength or flexibility. Aging individuals can also have trouble with their memory, attention, and problem-solving. They may have health conditions that require ongoing medical help. That’s why we provide help and resources to empower aging adults to manage daily tasks and self-care.

Home caregiver talking with a senior woman in a nursing home

Empowering the Elderly

Our goal is to help seniors access the tools and resources they need to live a healthier and happier life. We help them access necessary resources for self-care, such as home care services or nutritious food. By helping seniors manage daily tasks and take care of themselves, we strive to boost their physical and mental well-being. By helping them increase self-care, we hope to increase their motivation and energy levels and improve their mental health and well-being. Resources for seniors can provide them with the help they need, including:

  • Assistance with activities of daily living
  • Home care and monitoring
  • Companionship and social engagement
  • Safety and fall prevention
  • Respite care for family caregivers

Connect With Our Team

We feel it’s a true privilege to serve the seniors in our community. Our team is dedicated to helping older adults to maintain their independence and well-being. We encourage seniors and their families to reach out to us and explore the options and resources available to them. Our organization is here to provide you with support, care benefits, and continued well-being. Our team members assist individuals with daily tasks and help them gain additional access to resources and information. We take great pride in making a difference in the lives of seniors, and we’re happy to do the same for you.

Reach Out to Our Team

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care, a free in-home assessment for your love one utilizing our assessment tool, and a personalized caregiving plan.

Request a Courtesy Visit